Monday, March 30, 2009

Anne and the Anvaya Carnaval (1st Anniv)

Location: Anvaya Cove, Morong, Bataan

Anvaya Cove turns one year old! Yay! The invitation came last week and I've been really excited about this since then. Come on, it's been a while since we went to Anvaya. I really missed that place. Such a perfect getaway place since it's not that far from our place. It's a two-hour drive from home? or two-and-a-half? Another great thing about the place is that it's not "abused" since it's not really a public resort or whatevs. So, ayos! :)

Anyway, Anvaya's first birthday theme was called "Anvaya Carnaval" so there were jugglers everywhere, magicians, stilts walkers, etc. Escola de Samba de Manila were there too! So there were the samba drummers which went around the pool area and played tunes for the visitors. Then, Escola (the samba dancers?) performed as well. Really, really good! There's Guarana too, the band, which performed Samba and Bossa songs. Btw, they performed Conga, 1,2,3 and some songs of Gloria Estefan which really made me sing my heart out. Come on, that's Gloria Estefan! Well, I kinda know her songs. Lol. (Thanks to Eileen of Escola de Samba de Manila! God bless you and the entire group!) :)

Another great thing about this event: free food, free drinks, free towels, free spa, free everything. How I wish it's always "free" when we visit the place! Lol!

Anvaya will always be lolololove. :)

Some photos from my Anvaya-Cove-Day:
Andrei playing with the sand.
Andrei=so bangad.
Andrei burried them! :))
Guarana (the band).
Samba Drummers.
Escola (Samba Dancers).

That's Eileen! :)

My favorite photo of all.
Ebot tried this stick-y hum


Unknown said...


We are happy to know that you had a great time during the Anvaya Cove first year anniversary.

Feel free to contact us anytime.

For Ayala Land updates, you can check our site.


Coco Midel
Mobile 0917 580 2013

Anne said...

Hi Mr. Midel! I have no idea on how you were able to find my blog but anyway, thank you for the comment! Appreciated it! :) Hope you like the photos as well.

God bless! :)

Unknown said...

Beaches in Bataan are to love! :D

Anne said...

@FRANCES. So true! :)