Saturday, January 24, 2009

Anne and the First Entry

...and here I go again. Lol.

I'm not exactly sure why on earth I deleted Under-a-Twisted-Mind (first Blogger account) months ago. I guess, the lack of time to update and post entries made me delete that one...or maybe, I'm just making a lame excuse to cover up for my laziness. Wow, great. So here I go again, after four months (or five?) of hibernation, I decided to start blogging again. This will be my third (first was in Tabulas which lasted for almost four years and the other one was Under-a-Twisted-Mind which lasted for six months?) blog actually and I'm still hoping that I won't find that road to laziness so I can keep up this time around--because for one thing, it sucks to start all over again.

Yes, I'm Anne. I was never born to be a writer. I'm not good in playing with words. I suck actually. I committed a lot of S-V agreement crimes. Blah blah, blah blah. So just to make it clear, I just want to blog my heart out. I didn't open this blog to show my not-so-good-writing-capabilities. I just want to blog. Did that even make sense?

Yes, yes. I'm open for that one. I kinda lost the list of the ones I linked back before so forgive me for that but do send me a message or perhaps leave a comment in this entry so I can link you back again. Send your First and Last name then of course, your blog url. Intiendes?

So there. I guess this one can make up as my first post. It's 10ish and I need to turn in early since it's another NSTP-LTS day tomorrow. Last day baby! Now, I remember...I'm not yet prepared for tomorrow. I'm still torn whether I'm going to teach Science or Reading Comprehension? It's Senses vs. Reading. Wonder what will win. :))